Gif animation showing a modular typographic grid and example layouts for an A2 portrait format InDesign template

— Image caption grid
— 36 field modular grid
— 11.5 pt baseline grid
​​​​​​​— Comprehensive style sheets
— Proportional leading
— Sample layouts​​​​​​​
Style sheets for a portrait format InDesign presentation template. There are two layouts shown here, with the left and showing black text on a white background and the right side showing white text on a black background
Cover example layouts for an A2 portrait format presentation template designed for Adobe InDesign

Cover example layouts for an A2 portrait format presentation template designed for Adobe InDesign. These examples are on a black background
Typographic layout examples for an A2 portrait format presentation template designed for Adobe InDesign. This example shows versions on both white and dark backgrounds and feature Swiss style asymmetric typography
Swiss style typographic layouts for an A2 portrait format presentation template designed for Adobe InDesign
Minimal-style, modular typographic layouts for an A2 portrait format presentation template designed for Adobe InDesign. The right hand example here shows the modular grid system on its own
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